How To Use Essential Oils For Poison Ivy? Methods To Follow!

The spectacular beauty of nature also conceals its darker side- the more risky side. In every aspect of nature, you can see that. Especially, if you look at plants, there are good as well as dangerous or poisonous plants.

Poison ivy is one among that list and as the name suggests it can cause painful and itchy rashes on the skin upon direct contact. But nature has its own medicine to treat this as well, and that comes in the form of essential oils. These natural oils can treat skin rashes and itchiness effectively.

This article conducts a detailed analysis of ‘how to use essential oils for poison ivy’. So keep on reading and find out how effective essential oils are for poison ivy and what to consider before using them for this purpose.

What Is Poison Ivy?

Native to Asia and North America, poison ivy is an allergenic plant that on being touched can cause itchy and painful inflammation on the skin. Belonging to the Toxicodendron genus, it is a complex of three separate species.

Poison ivy is a member of the cashew family called Anacardiaceae. The skin reactions are caused by urushiol, an organic compound mixture with allergenic properties that is mainly found in the sap of the plant’s leaves. The allergic reaction caused by poison ivy is urushiol-induced contact dermatitis.

Essential Oils For Poison Ivy

According to reports from the American Skin Association, around 50 million people develop allergic reactions to poison ivy each year in the United States alone. The symptoms are characterized by redness, swelling, blisters, etc on the contact area with the plant.

Based on the severity of the exposure, it will take approximately one to two weeks to completely recover from the rashes, and often people are left with scars. Most infections are generally resolved within 14 days without the need for any treatment.

Essential Oils For Poison Ivy

Essential oils are natural products that can provide several health benefits for your body. There is a research paper published in Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Medicine that explains the effectiveness of using essential oils for dermatological purposes due to their potent antimicrobial properties. Some of the essential oils that can alleviate the symptoms of poison ivy rashes are given below:

  1. Calendula 

Scientifically called Calendula officinalis, the essential oil from this plant has anti-inflammatory properties. It has been traditionally used for soothing irritated skin. As per a research paper published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, calendula oil was found to be effective in treating contact dermatitis. 

  1. Lavender

Having analgesic properties, lavender can reduce the pain and discomfort associated with poison ivy rashes. Research published under ScienceDirect has shown the therapeutic effects of lavender oil on treating dermatitis. It explained that this oil can alleviate inflammation effectively. 

  1. Chamomile

Chamomile essential oil has multiple health benefits and calming skin irritations and rashes is invariably one among them. Applying this oil daily on the affected area can reduce skin inflammation and alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with poison ivy rashes. Also, chamomile contains numerous polyphenols and phytochemicals that support cell and tissue regeneration and protect it from free radical damage.

  1. Eucalyptus

Due to its soothing properties, eucalyptus oil can be effective against skin rashes and irritations of all sorts. It works by increasing ceramide production and helps your skin stay moisturized.  This essential oil can be helpful specifically in the later stages of poison ivy rashes where your skin can go dry and itchy.

  1. Peppermint

Having analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, peppermint oil can be an ideal solution for treating poison ivy rashes.  As it also has cooling properties, this oil can reduce the impact of itching and pain on the affected area. It works by soothing irritation on the skin and preventing inflammation.

  1. Tea Tree

Tea tree oil has been traditionally used as an antiseptic in herbal medicine. According to research published in the International Journal of Dermatology, tea tree oil was found to be effective for various cases of dermatitis. It can relieve inflammation and reduce itchiness associated with poison ivy rashes.

  1. Myrrh

An essential oil that has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, myrrh oil can also be used to treat poison ivy rashes. A study published in the Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology explained that the analgesic properties of myrrh can be ideal in treating pain and swelling caused by poison ivy rashes.  It can soothe itchy skin blisters and moisturize and hydrate your skin.

How To Use Essential Oils For Poison Ivy?

Applying undiluted essential oils to poison ivy rashes is not recommended. Instead, you can apply it as a compress or lotion. To make a compress, you need to mix five drops of essential oil with a cup of warm water. Now shake the mixture completely.  Next, you need to dip a washcloth in this solution and apply this cloth to the rash. Repeat this process several times a day to get consolation. Another method of using essential oil for poison ivy is applying it as a lotion or salve. For this, you can mix any essential oil with another carrier oil. After this, you can apply this lotion directly to the poison ivy rash. 

Is It Safe To Apply Essential Oils For Poison Ivy Rashes?

Even though essential oils are effective for treating poison ivy rashes, you need to be cautious before their use. As mentioned above, the direct application of undiluted essential oil on skin rashes can be harmful so instead try to use it as a compress or lotion. As the FDA doesn’t authorize the purity or quality of essential oils, it is always advisable to consult your doctor before using them for treating poison ivy rashes. The section below will provide you with more details on things to consider before using essential oils for poison ivy.

Things To Consider Before Using Essential Oils For Poison Ivy

Here are a few things you can keep in mind before using essential oils for poison ivy:

  • Do a small patch test first- Before applying the essential oil to the skin, apply it somewhere else on your skin and wait for any reactions. If there is no allergic reaction, you can use the oil for poison ivy rashes.
  • Do not apply it directly- It is always ideal to mix the oil with water and other carrier oils before applying for poison ivy rashes.
  • Do not take it orally- Oral consumption of essential oils might cause toxic reactions in your body.
  • Purchase only quality essential oils-  Always choose high-quality essential oils that have listed their Latin name and the name of the country of origin.

When To Consult A Doctor?

Now in every case, self-treatment is not an ideal method. So there are certain instances where you need to consult a doctor. Such instances include:

  • If the poison ivy reaction has spread to other parts of your skin.
  • The skin has swelled.
  • The rash has spread to the eyes, genitals, and mouth
  • Painful blisters with oozing pus
  • A fever greater than 37.8 degrees Celsius
  • The rash doesn’t go away within a week


Poison ivy is an allergenic plant of the cashew family that can cause painful rashes and blisters on the skin. The allergenic property of this plant is due to urushiol, an organic compound found in the sap of its leaves.

Urushiol can cause contact dermatitis and lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as rashes and itches on the skin. Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts made from specific plants that have skin health properties.

Certain essential oils such as calendula, lavender, tea tree, peppermint, myrrh, etc have research-proven properties in relieving skin inflammation and itching due to poison ivy rashes. But utmost care should be applied before using these oils for treating the rashes.

It is always not a good idea to apply the oil directly but instead, use it as a lotion or compressor. In any complicated situation, consulting a doctor is highly recommended. 


Q. How Can I Tell If It’s A Poison Ivy Rash I’m Suffering From?

If you have symptoms such as redness, swelling, itching, blisters, etc on your skin, it might be a poison ivy rash.

Q. Are poison ivy rashes dangerous?

Poison ivy rashes are not serious but in case you inhale the plant compound urushiol it might cause serious health effects.

Q. In what ways can you use essential oils for poison ivy?

You can make a compress using essential oils for treating poison ivy rashes. Or you can make a topical gel, herbal wash, or any kind of lotion by mixing it with a carrier oil.

Q. Which essential oil is best for treating poison ivy rashes?

Some of the best essential oils for treating poison ivy rashes include peppermint oil, chamomile oil, lavender oil, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, etc.

Q. Can essential oils completely help with poison ivy rashes?

Essential oils can reduce the pain and discomfort associated with poison ivy rashes but this shouldn’t be your first line of treatment.

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