How To Stop Hormonal Heart Palpitations? Method To Follow!

Heart palpitations can be a fearsome experience for many and can occur due to several factors. It feels like the heart is pounding or racing and normally happens after exerting force on anything or doing some daily activities like climbing stairs. Most heart palpitations are normal and part of the body’s response to the strain that it undertook after the labor.

Having said that, some inherent factors need to be taken into account if someone experiences palpitations without any reason. Especially, if it sounds more like flip-flopping or producing awkward heartbeats. In this article, we will see some common causes of palpitations. We will specifically talk about hormonal palpitations, how to stop them, and what to do in case they persist. 

Now, let us get to the details without further delay.

What Are Heart Palpitations?

Heart palpitations typically feel like an abnormal heart rhythm that causes a sensation in your chest. It only lasts for a few moments and does not cause any problems. It is most common and gets triggered while running, or doing any other strenuous activities. However, in some cases, stress and anxiety can also cause heart palpitations. 

Method To Stop Hormonal Heart Palpitations

Hormonal heart palpitations fall into a different category. It occurs due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, menstrual cycle, or menopause in women. Hormonal palpitations can also occur in men during their adolescence. We will talk more about hormonal palpitations and the causes behind them in the upcoming section.

What Causes Hormonal Heart Palpitations?

Hormonal heart palpitations occur due to lower estrogen levels during menstruation. The decreasing amounts of estrogen can overstimulate the heart resulting in increased heart rate. A decline in estrogen is also the primary cause of hormonal heart palpitations during menopause in women. Estrogen, a hormone that has a distinct role in the functioning of the nervous system, can affect heartbeat mechanisms. 

During pregnancy, irregular heartbeat or palpitations can be indicative of anemia and have to be taken seriously. Certain psychological conditions also trigger heart palpitation: depression, stress, anxiety, and panic attacks are a few examples. The intake of stimulants especially caffeine, nicotine, and cocaine can also lead to palpitations. Perhaps the most common cause of palpitation is when one has a fever. 

How To Stop Hormonal Heart Palpitations?

While hormonal heart palpitations are bound to occur certain measures can be taken to prevent them. Read through the content.

  • Control Alcohol Intake

Reducing the limit of alcohol intake helps a great deal to reduce hormonal heart palpitations. Studies confirm that even moderate alcohol intake increases the risk of developing atrial fibrillation

  • Relaxation Technique

Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, etc seem to help to lower instances of hormonal palpitations. 

  • Stress Management

Stress management techniques involve indulging in minor physical activities: walking, and jogging. Also, getting enough sleep every night prevents palpitations.

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy is a medication for women that aims at enhancing estrogen levels in the body. 

  • Blood Sugar Management

Managing blood sugar can be a good way to keep hormonal heart palpitations at bay. Alongside, consuming potassium-rich foods and staying hydrated also seems to work.

When To See A Doctor?

It is advisable to consult a registered medical practitioner if heart palpitations persist for an extended period. If the individual experiences other problems like shortness of breath, dizziness, and chest pain, it is of utmost importance to get medical help urgently. In addition, those who have any pre-existing conditions should undergo a thorough medical evaluation to rule out any serious underlying issues.


In this article, we have gone through the common causes of hormonal heart palpitations and what we can do to effectively manage it. We also discussed when it is essential to seek medical attention. Hormonal heart palpitations are a common condition that people are subjected to.

However, their implications vary depending on the individual’s age and other health aspects. Therefore it is important to take them seriously and undergo a medical diagnosis to confirm there are no complications.


1. What vitamins stop heart palpitations?

The studies show that consuming food containing vitamin D and B12 can help reduce heart palpitations.

2. How long can hormonal palpitations last?

Typically, hormonal heart palpitations last for a few seconds or longer.

3. How can I get immediate relief from palpitations?

Drinking water to stay hydrated, practicing breathing exercises, and reducing stress are ways to get immediate relief from palpitations.

4. How can I prevent heart palpitations?

Heart palpitations can be prevented by avoiding stimulants, having a balanced diet, and controlling blood pressure.

5. Will heart palpitations go away?

Most heart palpitations can be effectively treated through medication or lifestyle modifications.

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