How To Reduce Cholesterol In 7 Days? Easy Tips!

If you are health conscious, you might have heard about cholesterol and the necessity of controlling it within limits. But do you know that all cholesterol is not bad? It is needed for many functions in the body. There are two kinds of cholesterol, HDL, the good cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol, the bad one.

Among these, the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is the main villain that can cause plaque in the arteries and lead to heart issues and more. This article shares valuable information on what cholesterol is, what are the factors that cause high cholesterol, and how you can reduce cholesterol in 7 days. Dive in for an informative journey and learn everything about controlling your cholesterol levels!

What Is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a kind of waxy substance that is similar to fat and is found in almost all cells in your body. It is made by your liver through a complex 37-step process. Some of the cholesterol in your body is also accumulated through certain foods you consume. Unlike the common notion, cholesterol is not a bad compound but is beneficial for various functions in your body.

It plays a vital role in building cells and creating certain hormones and vitamins in your body. But when it exceeds a limit, it can be harmful to your body. As cholesterol is circulated through blood, too much of it can accumulate in the arteries leading to cardiovascular risks. There are several reasons why cholesterol levels get spiked up. If you consume a diet high in saturated fats it can contribute to high cholesterol levels. Other factors that cause this cholesterol rise include:

  • Lack of physical activity
  • Smoking
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Genetics
  • Certain medications
  • Age
  • Certain health conditions
  • Stress

If your blood has too much bad cholesterol it can raise your risk of getting issues like heart disease, stroke, etc. 

Ways To Reduce Cholesterol In 7 Days

By adhering to some healthy methods, you can reduce cholesterol in just 7 days. One aspect of doing this is making some necessary lifestyle changes. 

Ways To Reduce Cholesterol In 7 Days
  • Try to lose weight- Your body weight can play a crucial role in cholesterol levels. Losing weight is often prescribed to control cholesterol levels as it reduces body fat and manages inflammation in the body. Studies show that weight loss can support the reduction of harmful LDL cholesterol and promote the beneficial HDL cholesterol.
  • Ditch smoking- If you are a smoker, the chances of your blood cholesterol going through the roof are high. Experts point out that smoking can lower HDL aka good cholesterol in the body and it leads to the increase of triglycerides, a kind of fat in blood.
  • Consume heart-healthy foods- Another lifestyle change that can reduce cholesterol in 7 days is this. Consume foods abundant with omega-3 fatty acids and eliminate saturated fats and trans fats.
  • Elevate your physical activity- Having a regular exercise schedule is associated with effective controlling of cholesterol levels. Exercise can raise good cholesterol HDL in the body and lower LDL bad cholesterol.  It also helps to bring down blood pressure and lowers the risk of heart disease.
  • Cut down alcohol usage- It is necessary to put a leash on your alcohol consumption if you want to reduce cholesterol. Consuming too much alcohol is linked with increasing bad cholesterol in the blood and leading to issues like hypertension, stroke, and heart disease.

Here are some dietary changes to follow to reduce cholesterol in 7 days.

  • Increase the intake of plant stanols and sterols- These are active compounds found in whole grains, nuts, avocado oil, etc. These compounds can inhibit your digestive system from absorbing cholesterol.
  • Consume olive oil- Abundant with beneficial antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, olive oil can be your guide to successfully managing high cholesterol.
  • Go for oily fish- As oily fish has plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, it can help in reducing triglycerides and blood pressure. You can eat fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, etc.
  • Eat more nuts and seeds- Some of the nuts like peanuts, pecans, almonds, macadamias, etc are ideal for lowering cholesterol. They are known to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL)  and contain a lot of healthy fats and fiber.
  • Limit salt consumption- Another dietary change to reduce cholesterol in 7 days is to limit your salt intake. Experts suggest that the amount of sodium consumed per day shouldn’t exceed 2,300 milligrams per day, that is, about 1 teaspoon of salt per day.

Medications and treatments 

There are various kinds of medications and treatments available for reducing cholesterol. Some of them include.

  • Statins- Statins are said to reduce cholesterol produced in the liver. Some of the examples are fluvastatin (Lescol), atorvastatin (Lipitor), rosuvastatin (Crestor), etc.
  • PCSK9 inhibitors are medicines that lower LDL cholesterol levels.  Some of them include Repatha, Praulent, and Leqvio.
  • Bile Acid Sequestrants- They prevent cholesterol absorption by the intestines and are recommended if statins don’t work. Some examples include Locholest, Colestid, and Questran.
  • Fibrates are fabric acid derivatives that can raise good cholesterol and lower triglycerides. Some of the examples are Antara, Tricor, and Lopid.

When To See A Doctor?

Having a high cholesterol level can lead to certain complications such as 

  • Heart disease- When cholesterol accumulates, plaque formation in the arteries leads to heart disease. This can even cause heart attack and stroke.
  • Chest Pain- Another complication of high cholesterol, chest pain, or angina happens when the arteries that supply blood to your heart get affected. 
  • Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)- It affects the arteries that carry blood from the heart to the legs. These arteries get narrowed and lead to symptoms like cramping in the legs, muscle pain, numbness in the feet, etc.
  • Liver problems- Having high cholesterol can cause conditions like fatty liver disease and lead to chronic liver damage. 

If you have cholesterol levels of 240 mg/dL or higher, you need to consult a doctor. Also if you are someone with risk factors like high blood pressure, overweight, or have a family history of heart issues, you need to seek medical guidance.


Cholesterol is a waxy substance created by the liver and is essential for certain functions in the body. But too much cholesterol, especially the harmful one, LDL cholesterol can cause negative effects.

Certain factors that increase in cholesterol include: consuming too much saturated fats, alcohol, smoking, age, and lack of physical activity. But fret not, as making some lifestyle and dietary changes, cholesterol can be reduced within 7 days.

Some of the lifestyle changes to follow include ditching smoking and alcohol, engaging in regular physical activity, weight management, etc. You can also make certain changes to your diet such as consuming more omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber to reduce cholesterol levels in the body.


Q. What removes cholesterol fast?

Some of the faster methods to remove cholesterol include: Following a healthy diet, exercising, and taking medications.

Q. What can I drink to flush out my cholesterol?

Some of the drinks that help to flush out your cholesterol include green tea, soy milk, oat milk, berry smoothies, etc.

Q. Can you lower cholesterol in 1 week?

Adhering to some lifestyle changes such as eating healthy, doing exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight, etc can lower cholesterol in 1 week.

Q. What foods flush out bad cholesterol?

Some of the foods that flush out bad cholesterol include avocados, nuts, green tea,  beans, barley and oats, etc.

Q. What are the 5 worst foods for cholesterol?

The five worst foods that can contribute to higher cholesterol levels are red meat, baked goods and sweets, processed meats, tropical oils, and full-fat dairy.

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