Does Coconut Oil Clog Pores? Causes & Side Effects Explained!

A variant of edible oil, coconut oil has been popular among people for years. Ranging from culinary uses to skin and hair care supplements, coconut oil improves various aspects of human health. However, despite its immense popularity and numerous benefits, there are certain concerns caused by coconut oil.

There have been claims that coconut oil causes clogged pores. This article will examine these claims and the causes behind them. It will also delve into the details of coconut oil and the healthy alternatives to it.

What Is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is a variety of edible oils collected from coconut palms. It is extracted from the fruit, kernels, and meat of coconut palm. The major components of coconut oil are medium-chain fatty acids such as capric acid, caprylic acid, and lauric acid. These acids are believed to contain antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties.

The rich aroma and distinct flavor of coconut oil made it a common component in cooking, baking, and frying. Apart from culinary purposes, it is also used in the manufacturing of various cosmetic and health products such as moisturizers, hair shampoos, conditioners, and other skin-care supplements. However, due to its high fat content, some healthcare professionals suggest limiting the use of coconut oil in food. 

Clogged Pores And Their Causes

What Is Coconut Oil Used For?

Coconut oil is popular for its various health benefits. According to studies coconut oil is rich in antioxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also believed to have moisturizing properties, which makes it an important component in various skincare products. Some of the uses of coconut oil include:

  • Widely used for culinary purposes

Coconut oil is widely used for cooking and baking purposes. With high smoke points and distinct flavor, coconut oil improves the taste and quality of foods, whether cooked, baked, or fried.

  • Used in dietary supplements

As coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids, proven to improve energy production, it is used to manufacture metabolism-boosting dietary supplements. Furthermore, the lauric acid in coconut oil is proven to have antimicrobial properties making it an ideal component for improving the immune system.

  • Promotes healthy skin

Coconut oil benefits the skin in multiple ways. The antioxidants protect the skin from the attack of free radicals, while the anti-inflammatory properties improve irritated skin. The moisturizing property of coconut oil will help to keep the skin hydrated and the antimicrobial elements aid wound healing. So, with these many properties, coconut oil is widely used in cosmetic and skincare supplements like moisturizers, lip balms, makeup removers, and body lotions.

  • Supports healthy hair

Coconut oil is believed to improve the texture and health of hair in some people. Applying coconut oil to the scalp helps to reduce dandruff and improve hair growth by controlling frizziness and damage. 

Understanding Clogged Pores And Their Causes

Pores are small openings on the skin that help to eliminate sweat and oil from the glands in the body. Such glands on the face produce a substance called sebum, a natural oil that maintains the moisture of the skin. The sebum is brought to the skin’s surface through pores. However, in some cases, dead skin cells and other substances get trapped in the pores through the sebum causing pore clogging. These clogged pores may appear larger than normal skin. Sometimes, clogged pores develop into acne, a common skin problem.

Clogged pores can also be caused due to several other reasons. Some of them are:

  • Extra skin cell production
  • Certain cosmetics and skincare products
  • Medications that alter your skin’s behavior
  • Oily skin type
  • Certain foods with high oil content
  • Climatic changes causing humidity
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Pollution

However, clogged pores can be treated and prevented. Taking proper care of your skin by using safe skincare products ideal for your skin type will help to prevent clogged pores. Try to consult a dermatologist before using any skincare supplement so that they can help you identify the ideal products suitable for your skin type.

Does Coconut Oil Clog Pores?

You have already read about the health benefits offered by coconut oil. Although it contains high amounts of fat, using it in a limited quantity is safe for most people. However, applying coconut oil directly to the skin as a cleanser or moisturizer may cause skin problems in some people, especially if they have oily skin. 

The fatty acids in coconut oil including lauric acid are considered comedogenic or substances causing clogged pores. So, applying coconut oil directly to the skin will lead to clogged pores which may later worsen into acne.

Side Effects Of Using Coconut Oil On The Face

Applying coconut oil may help to improve the hydration and health of the skin in some people. However, the direct application of coconut oil may lead to several side effects in some individuals. The most common side effects caused by using coconut oil on the face are:

  • Clogged pores
  • Redness, rashes, and itching caused by allergic reactions
  • Skin irritation in people with sensitive skin or eczema
  • Increases the oiliness on the face in people with oily skin

Oils To Use Instead Of Coconut Oil

According to various studies, several oils can be used as an alternative to coconut oil. These alternatives possess fewer side effects and can be used for all skin types. Some of them are:

  • Jojoba oil: This is a safe and effective oil for all skin types. Jojoba oil contains antioxidants and nutrients that contain anti-inflammatory and skin-nourishing properties. 
  • Sweet almond oil: Apart from anti-inflammatory and skin-nourishing properties sweet almond oil also protects the skin from UV rays. It reduces aging symptoms and can be used for all skin types.
  • Grapeseed oil: It protects the skin from UV damage, pollution, and premature aging. Grapeseed oil prevents wrinkles, redness, and skin irritation with its anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and antioxidant properties.
  • Sunflower oil: Known to provide long-lasting moisture, sunflower oil is ideal for people with dry skin. It creates a protective shield against environmental pollution, toxins, and UV damage.


Derived from the meat, kernels, and fruit of coconut palms, coconut oil is an edible oil used for various purposes. It possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties that help to promote skin and hair health. Coconut oil is also used for cooking and baking due to its high smoke point and flavor. Even though it has many health benefits, coconut oil may lead to clogged pores in some people.

Being a comedogenic, coconut oil clogs the pores on the face which may worsen into acne. The side effects caused by coconut oil are mostly seen in people with oily skin. However, there are some alternatives to coconut oil such as jojoba oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, and sweet almond oil which cause fewer side effects and protect the skin from toxins, UV damage, and pollution.


1. How do you use coconut oil without clogging your pores?

Coconut oil is considered a pore-clogging component. So, instead of using it directly on your skin try using products that contain coconut oil as an ingredient to avoid clogging of the pores.

2. Is coconut oil bad for your pores?

Using coconut oil directly on the face will easily clog the pores on your face.

3. Which oil doesn’t clog pores?

Jojoba oil, squalane oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, and sunflower oil are some of the oils that do not clog pores.

4. What are the disadvantages of using coconut oil on your body?

The common side effects caused by using coconut oil are clogged pores, acne, allergies, clogged hair follicles, and folliculitis.

5. What oil is good for clearing pores?

Argan oil and rapeseed oil are two of the best oils to clear the pores on your face.

6. How to get rid of clogged pores?

Taking proper care of your skin by cleansing it with non-comedogenic cleansers, exfoliating your skin, and eating healthy will help to get away with your clogged pores.

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