Can UTI Cause Bloating: Prevention, Symptoms, And Effective Treatment Options

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) that often arise with symptoms like pain and frequent urge to urinate can be identified by several common as well as least noticed symptoms. Will you believe that if someone says that bloating Can UTI Cause Bloating? Yes, you heard right. So, your recurring bloating may not be caused because of gastric issues. 

Although UTIs are normally associated with the urinary tract, studies suggest that they can even disturb your digestive system. This article will shed light on urinary tract infections and the same is connected with bloating. It will also discuss the methods that will help to reduce the bloating caused by UTIs and other related topics. 

Understanding UTIs: Symptoms And Relief Tips

Understanding UTIs

Urinary Tract Infection is a common problem experienced by several people. Any infection that affects the urinary system including the kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters, or urethra is called a urinary tract infection or UTI. It is caused by bacterial activities in one or more parts of the urinary system. The bacteria that get mixed with the urine produced after the blood filtration can cause infection when passing through the urinary tract. Although UTI is common in both men and women, women are more likely to get affected due to their anatomy. 

Depending on the affected area, UTIs can be differentiated into three. Each UTI such as kidney, bladder, and urethra shows varied symptoms such as high fever, chills, back or side pain, urge to urinate frequently, pelvic pressure, lower belly pain, pain while urinating, and blood mixed urine. Even though not common, some gastrointestinal problems like bloating, constipation, and diarrhea can also be symptoms of UTIs. 

UTIs can be diagnosed and treated using several methods depending on the individual. Some common tests include urine dipstick, urinalysis, urine culture, ultrasound scan, urodynamics, cystoscopy, intravenous pyelogram (IVP), and CT scan. After diagnosis, medical professionals normally suggest taking antibiotics, cranberry juice, Vitamin C supplements, or prebiotics depending on the severity of the situation. 

Although UTIs can be cured with timely treatment, recurring or persisting UTIs are not a good sign. These may lead to kidney failure,  narrowed urethra in men, or delivery of premature babies. So, taking proper care and providing timely treatment is essential.

Can UTI Cause Bloating?

According to studies, UTIs may cause bloating. Although not widely recognized UTI can also cause bloating because of various reasons. One important factor that causes bloating during UTI is the body’s immune response to the condition. Inflammation is a common response for various diseases including UTI. In this case, the bladder, urinary tract, and other related organs may experience inflammation. The disturbance and discomfort caused due to this inflammation can lead to a feeling of fullness, pressure, and even pain in your abdomen causing bloating.

Another reason can be infections. The infections formed as part of UTIs can cause swelling in the abdomen which may also create a feeling of fullness and pain. Additionally, bloating may also occur as a reaction against antibiotics. Antibiotics are the major treatment for UTIs. some people may experience several side effects while using antibiotics and bloating is a common side effect caused by them.

How To Identify An Urinary Tract Infection Early?

Similar to any other bacterial disease, UTIs also have some common symptoms. Some of them are:

  • High fever
  • Shivering
  • Urge to urinate frequently
  • Blood mixed urine
  • Pain while urinating
  • Severe lower belly pain
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Back and side pain
  • Fatigue

Although these are the common symptoms of UTI, some unpopular symptoms like constipation, bloating, and diarrhea can also occur due to UTI. Additionally, all these symptoms may not be experienced for one type of UTI. symptoms may also change according to the infected part of the urinary system.

Effective Tips To Reduce UTI Bloating

Most bloating caused by UTIs can be reduced using home remedies. Some of them are:

  • Keeping yourself hydrated
  • Using a hot water bag or heating pads in your lower abdominal area
  • Avoiding drinks and foods that worsen bloating such as coffee and other caffeinated drinks, spicy foods, citrus, tomatoes, and other acidic fruits, and alcohol

However, continuing home remedies if the problem persists or recurs every now and then is not a good idea. In such cases, seek medical care as the problem can be a side effect of certain medications.

How To Prevent UTIs?

As an old proverb suggests, prevention is better than cure. So, preventing diseases is more than taking medications after suffering them. However, how can you prevent UTIs? Maintaining a healthy and hygienic lifestyle by following the below-given steps will help you lower the risks of UTIs.

  • Drink plenty of water: This helps in diluting urine and flushing out bacteria through urine more frequently.
  • Clean your genitals from front to back: This prevents the E.coli and other bacteria in your stools from entering your urinary tract.
  • Avoid uncomfortable products: Using certain products like deodorants, powders, and douches in the genitals may cause irritations which may later turn into infections.
  • Change your contraceptives: Some diaphragms and other contraceptive devices treated with spermicide may lead to bacterial activities in the genitals.

Other Causes Of Bloating

UTIs are not the only reason that causes bloating. Bloating can also be caused by:

  • Eating too much carbohydrates or salted foods
  • Excess air in the digestive system due to fast eating
  • Constipation
  • Obesity
  • Menopause
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Side effects of certain medicines
  • Stress and anxiety


Urinary Tract Infections or UTIs are a common health condition seen in most people regardless of age and gender. The common reason behind this problem is the bacterial activities in the urinary system. Such activities may affect one or more parts of the urinary system such as kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, and ureters.

Depending on the affected areas UTIs can be of three types. The symptoms also vary according to the affected area. However, some common symptoms of UTIs include blood-mixed urine, lower abdominal pain, pelvic pressure, fatigue, fever, chills, frequent urge to urinate, pain while urinating, and back pain.

Although not common, bloating is also a symptom of UTI. UTI-causing bloating can be a response reaction of your bodies, due to side effects, or inflammation. This bloating can be alleviated by keeping yourself hydrated and avoiding spicy and acidic foods, caffeine, and alcohol. Using heat pads and hot water bags will also help reduce bloating discomfort. Similarly, UTIs can also be prevented by taking proper care and maintaining hygiene. Hope you got the answer to Can UTI Cause Bloating.


1. What can a UTI do to your stomach?

UTI can sometimes lead to certain gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or flatulence.

2. How to get rid of UTI bloating?

Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water will help to get rid of the bloating caused by UTI. Reducing sugar present in certain foods such as fizzy drinks and processed foods will also be beneficial.

3. Can a UTI cause pressure in the stomach?

UTI may cause painful abdominal cramps. However, there is not much information regarding pressure caused in the stomach due to UTI.

4. Are there specific foods or drinks that can worsen bloating and constipation during a UTI?

Yes. various foods and drinks like spicy foods, alcohol, acidic fruits like citrus and tomatoes, and caffeinated beverages will worsen bloating and constipation during a UTI.

5. When should I see a gynecologist for Urinary Tract Infections-related bloating and constipation?

If you experience persistent or recurring bloating, constipation, or other problems due to UTIs or you have a UTI during pregnancy you must consult a gynecologist.

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