Can Gas Cause Back Pain? All You Need To Know!

Have you experienced severe back pain which felt like a heavy stab on your back? Well, it might be because of gastric problems. Yes, you heard right. Back pain and digestive problems often go hand in hand. The pressure exerted by the trapped gas in your body can lead to severe back pain. Do you know how that happens?

This article will give you a complete picture of the back pain caused by gas. So, join us if you are curious to find the causes, remedies, and other details of the severe back pain that often disturbs you.

Gas And Back Pain

People often face problems in digestion which may lead to gastric issues. Gas problems, which are created by the excess presence of air in the digestive system can cause discomfort and pain. Burping, bloating, cramps or knotted feeling in the abdomen, feeling of fullness, and passing of gas are a few common symptoms of gastric issues.

The pain that occurs due to gas can be severe and sharp and can be felt in different parts of the body. Although gastric problems normally cause abdomen and chest pains, they may also result in severe back pains.

Back pain is a common problem seen in most adults due to various reasons. However, gas-causing back pains are often overlooked. According to the available data, the trapped gas inside your body will exert excess pressure on your abdomen causing bloating. This excess pressure can be radiated to your lower and upper back causing back pain.

Normally, this pain reduces with time. However, if this problem persists for a longer duration or occurs repeatedly, you should consult a doctor as it can be a symptom of any major health problem.

Major Causes of Gas Problems

Gas or gastric problems are primarily caused by the excess air that reaches the gastrointestinal tract through food and drinks. This air develops gas in the large intestine during the fermentation of carbohydrates which are not digested in the small intestine. Some  food items that commonly cause gas are:

  • Beans and peas
  • Some fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains

All the above-listed foods contain high fiber content. Although these foods may cause gas, fiber is essential to support healthy digestive functions and optimize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Other dietary factors that lead to excess gas in the digestive system are:

  • Carbonated beverages like soda and beer.
  • Eating habits such as quick eating, drinking through a straw, talking while chewing foods, and eating chewing gums.
  • Artificial sweeteners like sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol.

Some medical conditions may also cause gastric problems. A few of them are:

  • Chronic intestinal disease
  • Small bowel bacterial overgrowth
  • Food intolerances
  • Constipation 

How To Alleviate Back Pain Due To Gas?

Gas can cause intense pain that feels like a stab in your chest, abdomen, or even at your back. This sharp pain which may seem like other severe health conditions may be reduced on its own within a couple of hours.

However, if the condition persists, or you experience recurring back pain due to gas, it may be a symptom of some other health problems. The back pain caused by gas can be alleviated by home remedies as well as medical treatments. The home remedies that help to cure back pain caused by gas are:

  • Physical activities

Engaging in physical activities like a quick walk or exercise may help to get away with the gas, resulting in relief from back pain.

  • Massage 

Massaging the painful spot will also help to reduce pain. As you massage your back, the gas causing the pain will move out of your body. 

  • Yoga 

Various yoga poses such as a headstand or shirshasana, plough pose or halasana, frog poses or mandukasana and many others help to improve digestion. So, these poses alleviate the back pain caused by gas.

  • Certain beverages

Non-carbonated drinks will help reduce gas. Herbal teas like peppermint, ginger, and chamomile can be used to cure gastric problems. Warm water also aids in back pain relief.

  • Herbs 

Certain herbs like coriander, turmeric, caraway, anise, and fennel are used as natural gas remedies.

Medical treatments can also be taken after proper diagnosis. Healthcare professionals will suggest various treatment options such as pills, antibiotics, or even surgeries depending on the issue.

When To See A Doctor?

Although gastric problems and pains are common and may reduce with time, facing these issues recurrently is a matter of concern. Severe pain and difficulties that last for longer duration should also be taken into consideration. So, if you are experiencing such problems repeatedly, it is important to consult a healthcare provider as soon as possible as they are symptoms of serious health conditions. Below are some symptoms that need immediate attention:

  • Blood mixed stools
  • Changes in bowel movements
  • Undefined weight loss
  • Constipation and diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Prolonged abdominal pain
  • Chest pain 

Other Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is not caused by gas. It can be caused by various other reasons such as:

  • Muscle or ligament strain
  • Bulging or ruptured disks
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Axial spondyloarthritis

Is The Back Pain Caused By Gas Serious?

Normally, back pains caused by gas are not a serious problem. Several people experience such symptoms if they are prone to gastric issues. These problems can be cured with the help of certain home remedies. However, as mentioned, if the situation persists or appears frequently hindering your day-to-day activities, it should be taken into consideration. This can be a symptom of any serious health condition that requires immediate professional care. So, in such cases, it is important to consult a doctor and make a proper medical diagnosis and treatment.


Gastric problems and acidity are common among most people. The excess air trapped in the digestive system due to various reasons like fast eating, smoking, high-fiber foods, artificial sweeteners, and some medical conditions can hinder healthy digestive functions. This can lead to bloating and related gas troubles which may cause discomfort in people. Even though abdomen and chest pain are considered the most common symptoms of gastric problems, studies reveal that it may also cause back pains. 

The pain caused due to gas can be sharp and severe causing a stabbing feeling in people. This pain which is normal and reduced within a few hours can be reduced with the help of a few home remedies. Some remedies that are proven to give better results are engaging in physical activities, doing certain yoga poses, massaging the painful spot, drinking non-carbonated beverages, and eating certain herbs.

However, you should not rely completely on these home remedies. If you experience back pain caused by gas frequently or notice changes in your bowel movements, frequent constipation or diarrhea, sudden weight loss, prolonged abdominal pain, or vomiting you should consult a healthcare professional. 


1. How do you relieve gas pain in your back?

Back pain caused by gas can be reduced using certain home remedies like getting a massage, doing a yoga pose, or using adsorbents.

2. Where is the gas pain located in the back?

Generally, back pain due to gas will be experienced between the shoulder blades.

3. How long does back gas pain last?

Back pain caused by trapped gas will last only for a few hours. In normal cases, it will pass on its own.

4. Does drinking hot water relieve gas?

Yes. Hot water may aid in the digestion of food causing gastric problems and reducing the discomfort caused by them.

5. What are some remedies to relieve gas naturally?

Several home remedies like apple cider vinegar, carbonated soft drinks, and some exercises may help relieve gas.

6. Can too much gas cause back pain?

Yes. gastric problems can lead to back pain.

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