Benefits Of Drinking Clove Water In Morning!

How many of you drink clove water every day? If you do, are you aware of in what ways the drink could benefit you? Or are you a lemon or ginger water person who happened to come across a video of someone drinking clove water and wants to know if it’s any better than what you are presently drinking? Either way, this article intends to answer the question you possibly have in mind about clove water, and some. 

What Is Clove Water?

Clove water is basically water in which cloves are added when hot. The water will have the essence of clove, the nutrients and minerals it contains. Clove doesn’t necessarily be consumed with plain water to benefit from it. If you prefer, you can prepare clove tea, or add it to salads, meat, or pickles. Since clove tea is great for digestive issues, you can drink it after a meal or at night, right before bed, to get the full benefits.   

Health Benefits Of Drinking Clove Water In Morning

Clove water contains a lot of nutrients in it. Clove has eugenol, an antioxidant that reduces free radical damage. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals such as

  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B6
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Iron 
  • Calcium
  • Beta carotene

It has a low glycemic index and contains sugar and carbs in trace amounts. 

What are the benefits of drinking clove water in the morning?

People who drink a glass of clove water religiously every morning can expect the following health benefits.

  • Reduced oxidative stress: Eugenol, the antioxidant compound clove contains, fights free radical damage and reduces oxidative stress. This will have a noticeable impact on the aging process as the compound slows down the appearance and progress of aging signs. 
  • Improved digestion: Drinking clove water every day is primarily meant to aid the digestive process and restore the health of the digestive system. Clove is a rich source of fiber that promotes regular bowel movements. It helps relax the stomach lining, reduces inflammation, and treats symptoms like nausea and bloating. Clove is also helpful in preventing more serious conditions like stomach ulcers with its anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Reduced risk of infections: Clove possesses antimicrobial properties. Drinking or rinsing with clove water daily can reduce the risk of microbial infections, especially bacterial. The antimicrobial properties of clove are more beneficial in the mouth, preventing infections in the oral cavity and reducing toothache. 
  • Stabilized blood sugar levels: Cloves help regulate blood sugar levels in different ways. It increases the absorption of glucose by cells from the bloodstream to reduce its presence in the blood. Simultaneously, clove stimulates the synthesis of beta cells in the pancreas, consequently leading to increased insulin production.

How to prepare clove water?

How do we prepare clove water in the first place? It’s easy. Just follow the steps below in their exact order. 

  • Pour one or two glasses of water into a kettle and bring it to a boil.
  • Add five to ten pieces of clove into it and let it simmer for about twenty minutes.
  • Then get it out of the heat and let the water cool for a while.
  • Finally, strain the water into a clean container.

There you have it; clove water! You can either drink it directly or keep it in the refrigerator for later use.

Drinking clove water for maximum benefits

You can drink clove water at different times of the day. Besides your convenience, it mostly depends on the benefits you expect to reap from drinking it.

  • If you want to boost immunity or reduce inflammation, you can drink clove water in the morning on an empty stomach. This also facilitates digestion.
  • Clove water can be consumed at night if you have health conditions associated with improper digestion such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, or diarrhea. Drinking clove water at night will also have a calming effect on your body which will help you sleep better. 
  • It is also fine to drink it in the afternoon or after a heavy meal to improve digestion and reduce bloating. 

Although it comes with all these benefits, drinking clove water more than once a day is not recommended. Here, moderation is key and overconsumption may not always result in desired outcomes.

Potential downsides of drinking clove water

So apparently, drinking clove water every day comes with a bunch of health benefits. Does that mean there are no downsides to it? Not quite. Certain conditions, such as ingestion of clove oil, could result in conditions like seizures, fluid imbalance, or liver damage in extreme cases. This happens because clove oil is produced through distillation and thus poses an increased risk when it comes to children. 

People who take blood-thinning medications, who are about to go into surgery, and those who are taking diabetic medication, also might experience certain side effects from regular consumption of cloves. Similarly, nursing mothers and pregnant women also belong to the risk group since the studies conducted regarding the effect of clove on them are limited. Other than these, clove is pretty safe and has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an additive. 


Clove water is usually made by boiling or soaking cloves in water. Clove is rich in nutrients and contains vitamins such as K, E, and B6 and minerals like Manganese, Calcium, and Iron. Preparing clove water or adding it to other drinks and condiments and consuming it regularly has several health benefits including digestive support, reduced risk of microbial infections, reduced inflammation and oxidative stress, and improved health markers. 

Although clove is an FDA-recognized ingredient, it poses a few health risks to individuals belonging to certain categories. Clove water or oil is not recommended for those with certain known medical conditions, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, those under eighteen years of age, and people who are under prescribed medication for conditions such as diabetes. The overall idea is to limit the intake of clove in whatever form to the right quantities and not overconsume it to reap the benefits while protecting yourself from the side effects. 


1. Is it OK to drink clove water every day?

It is, in moderation. You can drink a glass of it but not more to receive health benefits such as a strengthened immune system and better digestion.

2. What does drinking boiled cloves do?

Drinking boiled cloves every day has certain health benefits. It could reduce free radical damage and inflammation while improving gut health and immunity.

3. What happens when a woman takes cloves?

Consuming this spice is beneficial for both women and men alike and can experience an improvement in their overall health if taken properly. However, cloves are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, considering certain potential health risks.

4. How do you make clove water?

Clove water can either be made by soaking cloves in water for a few days or adding it to boiling water. The latter method takes only a few minutes and is thus widely adopted.

5. What are the benefits of drinking clove water before bed?

Drinking clove water at different times of the day has different health benefits. Drinking it right before bed will aid digestion, and resolve digestive issues like bloating and irregular bowel movements while creating a calming effect.

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